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Difficulty: medium

Length: approx. 11-12km (3.5 hours hike)

You start from the Hotel Rotwand in the direction of Laives to the Hotel Grüner Baum directly in front of the hiking trail. If you have a friendly request, you can also park your car there. The landlady can of course also provide very good information about the hike.

On the street, past the Emmaus house, you will reach the snack station after about 1 hour. From here, the somewhat rocky path No. 5 leads past the loading point of a fluorite mine, along the Brentabach through the wooded valley to the Hacklhof and then climbs northwards to the plateau of Deutschnofen. From this beautiful mountain village you have a wonderful panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and the beautiful South Tyrolean Dolomites. The view from the Gasthof Obkircher (approx. 1430 m) is particularly beautiful and worth seeing. Back you can get off with the regular bus through Bozen and at the roundabout. Another 500 meters on foot to the Hotel Rotwand.